About Us
OneUp Components is a mountain biking brand based in Squamish, BC. We create innovative, class leading, components to improve our ride. Every product we make has to be something we would buy with our own money.
Who We Are
We are a small team of 31 passionate mountain bikers. Every single person at OneUp rides a lot. Even our accountants rip!
Where We Ride
OneUp Components is headquartered at 7-39359 Queens Way, Squamish, British Columbia, V8B 0T5, Canada.
Squamish is a mountain town halfway between Vancouver and Whistler. Squamish has world class trails and riders that put extreme demands on their bikes every ride. It’s the perfect product testing ground for mountain bike components.
OneUp was started because the 3 engineers who founded the company wanted to ride, live and work in Squamish.